What are Homeowner Claims?
Richards Willis PC handles complex commercial and residential insurance claims after a fire or flood loss. Our firm works with many of the Public Adjusters in San Diego County who are licensed by the Department of Insurance to represent members of the public in presenting their claims to insurance companies. When the claims that Public Adjusters are handling start to involve legal issues, or if the insurance companies outright deny the claims, Richards Willis PC litigates the claims on behalf of the homeowner or commercial building owner against the insurance companies.
The passion of Mr. Richards representing policy holders began in 2003 when his sister lost her home in the Cedar Fire that burned through Harbison Canyon. She called her carrier the day after the fire only to be told that she had no insurance at all because it was supposedly cancelled months before. In representing his sister, Mr. Richards realized that if insurance companies would deny claims of the family members of attorneys who handle Bad Faith Insurance claims, then other members of the public without legal expertise had little chance. Since 2003 a major portion of the practice of Richards Willis PC is handling claims of homeowners and commercial building owners against the insurance companies who insure them.
Does The Firm Handle Cases Throughout California?
Yes! While Richards Willis PC is a San Diego based civil litigation firm, we have represented clients from Eureka to Needles to Chula Vista and every city in between.
Contact Richards Willis PC for a FREE consultation about any type of personal injury claim including motor vehicle accident, motorcycle accident, industrial injury, railroad injury, wrongful death as well as any claims against your homeowners insurance who is not handling your fire or flood claim in a fair and professional manner. In 25 years there is no type of case that Richards Willis PC has not successfully litigated.
We speak for the victim. We speak insurance. Se habla espaƱol. No fee unless we provide results. Do not hesitate to Contact Us.
Remember, the sooner you begin this process the sooner we can get our investigators on the scene, and the better chance we have to preserve the evidence that you need to successfully win your case, and the sooner your life and the life of your family will return to normal. Contact us today!
Richards Willis PC
750 B Street, Suite 1760
San Diego, CA 92101
(619) 237-9800
(760) 560-1697 fax