Negligence from a utility caused fire.
Negligence from a utility caused fire.
Negligence from a utility caused fire.
Kidnapping from a day care center in the greater Seattle Washington area.
Negligence from a utility caused fire.
Blalock v. Otay Water District – Jury Verdict $680,000.00 and $1,150,000 Settlement After Attorney Fee Motion. Jury verdict for Plaintiffs against Otay Water District (OTW) when water from a fresh main water-line exploded outside of plaintiffs home, destroying their house and koi farm. It was proven that OTW, a governmental agency, “took” plaintiffs land by…
Flooding of Plaintiffs’ home caused by Aquarium Maintenance company
Mass tort involving 50+ Plaintiff homeowners from flooding caused by a California Utility in San Diego County.
James Russell Collins v. Union Pacific railroad – The case went to the California Supreme Court on the issue of whether the FELA could be applied to a non-railroad employee under the borrowed servant doctrine. The Supreme Court agreed that it could.
Inverse Condemnation, Nuisance, Trespass caused by a California Utility
Negligence caused by faulty Window Repair Installation in Plaintiffs’ home in El Cajon, California
Wrongful conversion of property of Plaintiffs’ inheritance.
Single family home flooded from failed municipal waterline.
Loss of property caused by a governmental utility.
Cement truck hose striking and injuring plaintiff.
Loss of Business/Loss of Income/Loss of Profits in Santa Barbara, CA from smoke damage caused by a California Utility.
Trespass – Flooding of Plaintiffs home is caused by a California Utility in Montecito, CA.
Garcia v. American Securities Insurance Company – Richards Willis PC was retained by a United States Bankruptcy Trustee to recover proceeds on behalf of a bankruptcy estate. In a case settled prior to litigation, Richards Willis PC negotiated a $1,100,000.00 settlement which greatly benefited the bankruptcy estate and debtors.
Ramirez v. Escondido Unified School District – The case about father and child where the child was kidnapped out of a Escondido union school.
Witch Creek and Guijto Fires – Richards Willis PC represented dozens of Plaintiffs to confidential settlements. As reported by the San Diego Union Tribune, the Witch Creek fire began in the early afternoon of October 21, 2007, when sparking power lines ignited brush in a remote area southwest of Santa Ysabel during fierce Santa Ana…
Negligence from failure to maintain a storm water system
Negligence from failure to properly maintain a building which damages a tenant’s construction business
Insurance bad faith from a water loss
Negligence from an escalator in a mall
Insurance bad faith from a water loss
Inverse Condemnation and Dangerous Condition of Public Property against a City
Negligence from a utility caused fire.
Negligence from a utility caused fire.
Negligence from a utility caused fire.
Inverse Condemnation and Dangerous Condition of Public Property against a public utility
Negligence from a utility caused fire.
Negligence from a utility caused fire.
Negligence from a utility caused fire.