Confidential Settlement

Mass Tort Wildfire Litigation Fire

Witch Creek and Guijto Fires – Richards Willis PC represented dozens of Plaintiffs to confidential settlements. As reported by the San Diego Union Tribune, the Witch Creek fire began in the early afternoon of October 21, 2007, when sparking power lines ignited brush in a remote area southwest of Santa Ysabel during fierce Santa Ana winds that lasted for days. The Guejito fire began about 12 hours later in the San Pasqual Valley, also caused by sparking power lines, according to investigators, and eventually merged with the Witch Creek blaze. Early in the morning of Oct. 22 those fires burned into Rancho Bernardo. San Diego Gas & Electric Insurance payments of $1.1 billion have been exhausted.

SDG&E has estimated remaining fire and litigation costs associated with the 2007 fires at $603 million, in a recent filing with the Securities and Exchange Commission. That tally fluctuates based on legal settlements.

More about the Witch Creek and Guijito Fires


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